What path should we pursue
to reach God?
What must we do to find the
image and likeness of the Creator within us?
Which religion is the right one to follow?

Carmen Viana believes that man seeks the approval of superior beings, and the force that drives this quest is encoded in our own genetic code.
In Search of the Divine

Since the emergence of
intelligent life on Earth,
man has been in search of
the Divine, seeking
something greater, a deity
to follow in their
footsteps, and by doing
so, attain their own
divine state of existence.
Throughout the ages,
there have been various
names given to this
sublime state of being.
Some have given it a
connotation of a physical
and tangible place,
calling it Paradise or
Eden, while others refer
to it as Nirvana, and
Islamic cultures call it
Al-Yanna. Nordic peoples
refer to it as Valhalla, and
thus, the divine abode
has received infinite
names depending on each
culture and belief.
More spiritually inclined
peoples perceive it as
something more subtle,
not a physical place, but
a state of mind, and they
call it Samadhi, a
condition of feeling and
perceiving the reality
around us, where the
illusion of matter
dissolves, and
consciousness shares a
perfect state of union with
the great Divine
Consciousness, where all
suffering and anxiety